Who we are Who we are A昀昀irm Cares is made up of volunteers who give their time, funding, and energy to improve our workplaces and communities. Led by our Board of Directors, we’re guided by our values, leadership success factors, employee promise, strategic objectives, and strategic roadmap. They unite us in a common purpose to give our work meaning and help us make a di昀昀erence every day. What we do We believe that building honest financial products that improve lives and giving back to our communities are equally important and, consequently, we have integrated both into our strategic objectives. What every A昀昀irmer gives—our social value—is just the beginning of our social impact਀㠀 With respect as one of our core values, we’re committed to creating a fair, inclusive, and accessible workplace where everyone feels valued, represented, and heard. Not only does this guide our work and interactions with each other, but also with our customers and communities. Mission The A昀昀irm Cares Employee Foundation is an A昀昀irm employee volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit established by A昀昀irm in 2019. The Employee Foundation aims to make a positive impact in the communities in which we work and live by sharing our expertise and funding across three impact pillars: financial literacy and inclusion, technology training and education, and vibrant communities. Since its inception, the A昀昀irm Cares Employee Foundation has raised and awarded grants of over $850K to local community nonprofits. Pillars FINANCIAL LITERACY TECHNOLOGY VIBRAN吀਀ & INCLUSIO਀堀 EDUCATION & TRAININ਀儀 COMMUNITIE਀崀 Support organizations that Support access to technology Partner with organizations provide credit education and for K–12 coding academies and focused on housing insecurity, financial health counseling, bootcamps, as well as providing homelessness, civic especially those with a focus workforce development and engagement, neighborhood on driving equitable support for small urban and preservation and revitalization, economic growth. rural businesses. small business development, and community enrichment. 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 03

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