Social responsibility: People come 昀椀rst Financial inclusion and socioeconomic empowermen縀 A昀昀irm’s mission is to deliver honest financial products that improve lives. Built into this mission are the concepts of financial inclusion and socioeconomic empowerment, which mean providing access to credit to those in need of it in an honest, transparent, and responsible manner.ꨀ Historically, low and moderate income (“LMI”) borrowers and individuals with low (or no) credit scores have only had access to credit products with high interest rates, fees, and other hidden costs. This is due, at least in part, to closures of traditional financial institutions in rural and urban areas, lack of access to a昀昀ordable financing options and predatory lending businesses filling the credit void. Unfortunately, these individuals are the ones who may need access to credit the most. With many current estimates indicating that more than half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck (with that figure increasing dramatically in urban and rural areas), a significant portion of the American population—including LMI borrowers—are left to rely on some form of credit (credit cards, payday loans, pawn shops, etc.) to manage their personal cash flow. That leaves many with a di昀昀icult choice: being unable to make necessary purchases or having to do so with credit products that may resolve short-term financial needs but that may actually have an adverse financial impact in the long term.ꨀ A昀昀irm provides these individuals with another option. By looking at consumers as more than just their credit score, our underwriting is able to responsibly expand access to credit to more people, including those whose traditional credit scores may not represent their creditworthiness. In fact, in FY'24, the average FICO score of an A昀昀irm consumer was 652 with an average household income of $74,000. This provides critical access to honest and transparent financing to consumers, without ever being subject to hidden or late fees. Most importantly, A昀昀irm does not facilitate loans that we don’t believe can be repaid because we do not profit from consumers’ mistakes. 2024 ESG REPORT 20
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