AFFIRM CARES MISSION AFFIRM CARES The A rm Cares Employee Foundation is an A rm The 2021 Social Impact Report celebrates employee volunteer-led 501(c)3 non-profi t established the strides that A rm Cares stakeholders by A rm in late 2019. The Employee Foundation – our A rm Cares Board, the A rm Cares Advisory Council, A rmers, and our grantees aims to make a positive impact in the communities in –are making to advance social impact in our which we work and live by sharing our expertise and three core commitment pillars. funding across three impact pillars: fi nancial literacy AFFIRM CARES BOARD and inclusion, technology training and education, and OF DIRECTORS vibrant communities. Since its inception in late 2019, Brooks Hosfi eld , President the A rm Cares Employee Foundation has raised and Jude Komuves, Vice President awarded grants of over half a million dollars to local Siphelele Jiyane, Treasurer community non-profi ts. In 2021, our employee-led Scott Astrada, Secretary foundation distributed over one-hundred thousand Ulrico Izaguirre, At-Large Board Member dollars to nonprofi ts focused on housing, racial equity, Katrina Holt, At-Large Board Member Silvija Martincevic, At-Large Board Member the environment, and education. Lia Ballard, At-Large Board Member PILLARS FINANCIAL LITERACY & INCLUSION Provide fair and responsible credit for communities and businesses, credit education support, and nonprofi t investments focused on equitable economic growth. TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION & TRAINING Support access to technology for K–12 coding academies and bootcamps, as well as providing workforce development and support for small urban and rural businesses. VIBRANT COMMUNITIES Partner with organizations focused on housing insecurity, homelessness, civic engagement, neighborhood preservation and revitalization, small business development, and community 2 enrichment.

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