A message from our chair In 2023, the Advisory Council was focused on becoming more mature as an organization. We established more rigorous processes for tracking the grant distribution process and recording the impact of the grants that we've given out in the past. We also increasingly documented how the organization runs, so that it is better equipped to outlast the individuals who are currently in leadership positions਀㠀 Moving forward into 2024, the best way for us to mature as an organization is to increase employee engagement. We're focusing on re-establishing the old volunteer program, increasing participation across our various committees, and motivating more A昀昀irmers to join us in the great work we're doing by lending their time and resources਀㠀 A昀昀irm is a very special place to have this employee foundation. I'm constantly inspired and energized by the passion and generosity of my peers and by the great work of the above organizations we've been able to empower. We're not only building honest financial products that improve lives, but we're also training our communities to do so alongside us. We're teaching others how to e昀昀ectively use various tools to improve their financial health. And we're partnering with them to build a more vibrant world਀㠀 If you're part of a 501(c)(3) and are interested in partnering with us, please apply for a grant at a昀昀irm.com/cares and reach out to us at grants@a昀昀irm.com with any questions਀⬀ OnwardsⰀ਀ Chris Reyes,ꀀ਀ A昀昀irm Cares Advisory Committee Chai਀簀 To learn more, visit www.a昀昀irm.com/cares. 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 05

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