2023 Annual Report

Affirm Cares is made up of volunteers who give their time, funding, and energy to improve our workplaces and communities. Led by our Board of Directors, we’re guided by our values, leadership success factors, employee promise, strategic objectives, and strategic roadmap.

202㌀਀ Annua氀਀ Report

Message from the Board President Since its inception in 2019, A昀昀irm Cares has honored the vision of our founders–to serve the communities in which we live and work through our commitment to financial literacy, technology education and training, and vibrant communities. It has been a privilege to work alongside our board of directors, nonprofit partners, friends, and donors to support these critical needs਀㠀 This report is a celebration of our last four years together and a culmination of the contributions of many selfless individuals. We recognize that our success is because of you, our donors, who are passionate about creating lasting community impact.਀ꨀ Through your generous support, the A昀昀irm Cares Foundation will continue to build our legacy of giving that will inspire generations to come㠀᐀ Alana MazzeiⰀ਀ Chairwoman of the Board Affirm Cares 2022 Board of Directors: Alana MazzeiⰀ਀ Katherine AdkinsⰀ਀ Siphelele Jiyane, Scott AstradaⰀ਀ President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Ulrico IzaguirreⰀ਀ Barb CadiganⰀ਀ Geddes MusonⰀ਀ Brittany HarrisⰀ਀ At-Large Board Member At-Large Board Member At-Large Board Member At-Large Board Member 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 02

Who we are Who we are A昀昀irm Cares is made up of volunteers who give their time, funding, and energy to improve our workplaces and communities. Led by our Board of Directors, we’re guided by our values, leadership success factors, employee promise, strategic objectives, and strategic roadmap. They unite us in a common purpose to give our work meaning and help us make a di昀昀erence every day. What we do We believe that financial performance and giving back to our communities are equally important. Consequently, we’ve integrated both into our strategic objectives. What every A昀昀irmer gives—our social value—is just the beginning of our social impact.਀ꨀ With respect as one of our core values, we’re committed to creating a fair, inclusive, and accessible workplace where everyone feels valued, represented, and heard. Not only does this guide our work and interactions with each other, but also with our customers and communities. Mission The A昀昀irm Cares Employee Foundation is an A昀昀irm employee volunteer-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit established by A昀昀irm in 2019. The organization aims to make a positive impact in the communities in which we work and live by sharing our expertise and funding across three impact pillars: financial literacy and inclusion, technology training and education, and vibrant communities. Since its inception, A昀昀irm Cares has raised and awarded grants of over $920K to local community nonprofits. Pillars FINANCIAL LITERACY VIBRAN吀਀ TECHNOLOGY & INCLUSION COMMUNITIES EDUCATION & TRAINING Provide fair, transparent, Support access to Partner with organizations and responsible credit for technology for K–12 coding focused on housing insecurity, communities and academies and bootcamps, homelessness, civic businesses, credit education as well as providing engagement, neighborhood support, and nonprofit workforce development and preservation and revitalization, investments focused on support for small urban and small business development, equitable economic growth. rural businesses. and community enrichment. 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 03

2023 in Review Thanks to our generous donors, we’re able to celebrate the following wins from 2023: Financial literacy & inclusion $50K Technology education & training $39K $147.5K Vibrant communities Total grant support in 2023 $58.5K Financial literac礀਀ Technology Vibran琀਀ & inclusion education & Training communities Affirm Cares Impact Grant Recipients *A昀昀irm employees selected non-profits for a one-time grant during A昀昀irm Cares Giving Month (October 2023) 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 04

A message from our chair In 2023, the Advisory Council was focused on becoming more mature as an organization. We established more rigorous processes for tracking the grant distribution process and recording the impact of the grants that we've given out in the past. We also increasingly documented how the organization runs, so that it is better equipped to outlast the individuals who are currently in leadership positions਀㠀 Moving forward into 2024, the best way for us to mature as an organization is to increase employee engagement. We're focusing on re-establishing the old volunteer program, increasing participation across our various committees, and motivating more A昀昀irmers to join us in the great work we're doing by lending their time and resources਀㠀 A昀昀irm is a very special place to have this employee foundation. I'm constantly inspired and energized by the passion and generosity of my peers and by the great work of the above organizations we've been able to empower. We're not only building honest financial products that improve lives, but we're also training our communities to do so alongside us. We're teaching others how to e昀昀ectively use various tools to improve their financial health. And we're partnering with them to build a more vibrant world਀㠀 If you're part of a 501(c)(3) and are interested in partnering with us, please apply for a grant at a昀昀irm.com/cares and reach out to us at grants@a昀昀irm.com with any questions਀⬀ OnwardsⰀ਀ Chris Reyes,ꀀ਀ A昀昀irm Cares Advisory Committee Chai਀簀 To learn more, visit www.a昀昀irm.com/cares. 2023 CARES ANNUAL REPORT | 05