Stockholder engagemen਀縀 We seek regular engagement with investors to communicate our strategy and solicit feedback from the investment community. Management periodically engages a third-party consultant to obtain independent feedback from our investors.਀ꨀ In FY’24, management participated in a number of investor conferences and meetings, both virtual and in-person. These meetings were attended by various members of A昀昀irm’s senior management, including our Chief Executive O昀昀icer, Chief Financial O昀昀icer, and/or Senior Vice Presidents. Management periodically discusses feedback, including key themes and other insights gained from the investor outreach meetings, at A昀昀irm’s Board and committee meetings, as appropriate਀㠀 In addition to our traditional investor relations outreach program, in early FY’24, our Lead Independent Director and the Chair of our Compensation Committee, along with members of our senior management, conducted A昀昀irm’s first virtual governance roadshow that included presentations and discussions regarding governance, compensation and other matters with certain of our investors. Some of the engagement highlights from the roadshow are as follows: We met with investors, who we believe held in the aggregate approximately 34.3% of our outstanding common stock with approximately 25.7% of the voting power of our outstanding common stock as of August 2023 We o昀昀ered meetings to additional investors, who we believe held in the aggregate approximately 18.6% of our outstanding common stock with approximately 4.9% of the voting power of our outstanding common stock as of August 2023. Excluding the holdings by our directors and executive o昀昀icers, we met with investors representing approximately 38.4% of our outstanding common stock with approximately 40.7% of the voting power of our outstanding common stock as of August 2023 Excluding the holdings by our directors and executive o昀昀icers, we conducted outreach to investors who we believe represented approximately 59.2% of our outstanding common stock with approximately 48.4% of the voting power of our outstanding common stock as of August 2023. The governance roadshow provided us with an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics with our investors, including our directors’ skills and tenure, our Board’s oversight roles and responsibilities, our ESG program, and our approach to executive compensation matters.਀ꨀ Our Board, as well as our management team, values the perspectives of our investors as it helps us to understand and evaluate the e昀昀ectiveness of our current practices and related disclosures. 2024 ESG REPORT 14

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