Supplemental Performance Indicators Active Merchants - The Company deûnes an active merchant as a merchant which has a contractual point-of-sale relationship with Affirm or a platform partner, and engages in at least one Affirm transaction during the twelve months prior to the measurement date. The Company believes that active merchants is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors because it measures the reach of the Company's network. Total Transactions - The Company deûnes total transactions as the total number of unique transactions on the Affirm platform during the applicable period. The Company believes that total transactions is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors because it measures the frequency of consumer engagement, as demonstrated by the total number of unique transactions. Total Revenue as a Percentage of GMV - The Company deûnes total revenue as a percentage of GMV as GAAP total revenue as a percentage of GMV, as deûned above. The Company believes that total revenue as a percentage of GMV is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors of the revenue generated on a transaction processed on the Company's platform. Allowance for Credit Losses as a Percentage of Loans Held for Investment - The Company deûnes allowance for credit losses as a percentage of loans held for investment as GAAP allowance for credit losses as a percentage of GAAP loans held for investment. The Company believes that allowance for credit losses as a percentage of loans held for investment is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors of the future estimated credit losses on the Company's outstanding loans held for investment. Funding Capacity - The Company deûnes funding capacity as the total amount of committed funding provided by warehouse credit facilities, securitizations, and forward üow loan sale agreements available for the purchase or ûnancing of loans. Funding capacity also includes the utilized portion of uncommitted forward üow loan sale agreements as of the measurement date. The Company believes that funding capacity is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors of its ability to fund loan transactions on the Affirm platform. Delinquencies - The Company deûnes delinquency as when a payment on a loan becomes more than 4 days past due. The Company generally views delinquency in groupings of more than 30 days past due, more than 60 days past due, and more than 90 days past due. A loan is charged off after a payment on a loan becomes 120 days past due. The Company believes that delinquencies are a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors of the credit quality and performance of the loan portfolio. Average Asset Yield - The Company deûnes average asset yield as the annualized interest income on unpaid principal balance, divided by the average of loans held for investment during the period. The Company believes that average asset yield is a useful indicator of annualized yield on loans from interest income paid by consumers. Repeat Consumer - The Company deûnes repeat consumer as a consumer who has transacted with Affirm at least twice. The Company believes that repeat consumer rates on a cohortized basis are a useful indicator of consumer retention and engagement. Average Cost of Funds - The Company deûnes average cost of funds as annualized funding costs divided by the average of funding debt and notes issued by securitization trusts during the period. The Company believes that this is a useful indicator of the average cost of third-party ûnancing of loans held for investment. Cumulative Net Charge-Offs - The Company deûnes cumulative net charge-offs as the total dollar amount of loans charged off over time from a speciûc cohort of transaction, less any recoveries. The Company believes that cumulative net charge-offs is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and Investors of the credit quality and performance of the loan portfolio. Net Cash - The Company deûnes net cash as cash and cash equivalents plus securities available for sale, minus convertible senior notes. The Company believes that net cash is a useful performance indicator to both the Company and investors as it provides an alternative perspective of the Company's liquidity. Affirm FQ1’25 Shareholder Letter 18
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