| Code of Ethics & Business Conduct | 2024 30 Communications with the investment community Affirms communications with the Investment Community are closely regulated by the SEC. The Investment Community generally includes holders and potential holders of Affirm securities, as well as investment analysts, brokers, dealers, investment advisers and companies, certain institutional investors, and associated or affiliated persons of the foregoing. To facilitate compliance with SEC rules, the only persons authorized to speak on behalf of Affirm to the Investment Community are: Media relations & public statements For communications with external audiences other than the Investment Community, only specifically designated and trained employees (Spokespeople) may provide commentary on behalf of, or as a representative of, the Company with prior written approval from the Affirm Communications team. If any Affirmer is approached for interviews or commentary by members of the press, bloggers, analysts, vendors and/or customers in service of a news story or to discuss non-public information, direct the inquiry to the Affirm Communications team. As discussed above, please direct inquiries from the Investment Community to the Affirm Investor Relations team. Do not accept a media interview or engage in a conversation with the press as a representative of Affirm without prior approval from the Affirm Communications team. This includes off the record, background, or not for attribution comments as well. Speaking engagements All speaking engagements relating to an Affirmers job duties must be approved by the Communications and Ethics teams using the Speaking Request form, in addition to their department head, prior to acceptance. Once confirmed, all content and talking points should be approved by the Communications team before use. E ndorsements Affirmers may not give an endorsement on behalf of or as a representative of Affirm about our vendors, users, or merchants without prior written approval from the Communications, L egal, and Compliance teams, in addition to their department head. Affirmers must also obtain approval from the Communications team prior to agreeing (orally or in writing) to have Affirm publicly identified as a user of a third-partys services. If you are not one of these authorized spokespersons, please contact the Affirm Investor Relations team before communicating with the Investment Community. Refer to the Regulation FD P olicy for additional information. X the Chief Executive Officer^ X the Chief Financial Officer^ X the Chief Legal Officer^ X the Head of Investor Relations; anS X other persons specifically designated by any of the above persons to speak with respect to a particular topic or purpose. C o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h o u r i n v e s t o r s a n d t h e p u b l i c S ocia l me d ia & p u bl ic f o r ums All Affirmers are required to comply with the Companys P ersonal U se of Social M edia P olicy and Business U se of Social M edia P olicy, which govern what type of social media behavior is permitted and prohibited, depending on whether the Affirmer is using their personal social media account or Affirms social media account.
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