Water Managemen਀縀 A昀昀irm recognizes the importance of e昀昀ective Water Consumptio渀਀ (in thousands of gallons) water management and that access to clean water is a universal human right, as defined by 1000 the United Nations.1 Due to both the nature of 800 917.7 2 our business and our remote-first operational structure, A昀昀irm consumes relatively low 600 volumes of water in our leased o昀昀ice locations 400 and uses low-flow faucets and fixtures. We obtain water from the local water utilities that 200 serve our locations, and in FY’24, we began to 0 track our water usage at the o昀昀ice locations FY’23 where we receive a water utility bill. 1 The United Nations defines the right to water as universal access to su昀昀icient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible, and a昀昀ordable water. 2 Water consumption is presented only for o昀昀ice locations where A昀昀irm received a water utility bill during the 2023 fiscal year (Pittsburgh, Toronto and Chicago). For our Chicago o昀昀ice location, we calculated water consumption through a proration method that estimated our water usage based on our percentage square foot occupancy when compared to the building’s overall square footage. 2024 ESG REPORT 38

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