Waste managemen਀縀 E昀昀ective waste management is important to A昀昀irm’s overall sustainability e昀昀orts. We are committed to implementing strategies to reduce the amount of waste we produce and increase our conservation e昀昀orts. As part of these e昀昀orts, we have established recycling and composting practices at our o昀昀ice locations਀㠀 A昀昀irm’s waste management initiatives include: Recycling bins are utilized Compost bins ar攠⠀ Compostable utensils throughout our o昀昀ice locations available for foo搠⠀ and dishes are stocked to recycle paper products, waste at ou爠⠀ in our o昀昀ice kitchen plastics, and glass. o昀昀ice locations. locations. In the past, we partnered with TerraCycle® to recycle We partner with a third-party electroni挠⠀ co昀昀ee pod waste created in our o昀昀ices through a waste recycling company to dispose an搠⠀ process where used co昀昀ee grounds from the pods recycle decommissioned electronics and tech were composted and the metal and plastic equipment. In FY’24, we recycled 695 computers, components were recycled. As of the end of FY’24, tablets and phones, and over 1,800 pound猠⠀ our o昀昀ices do not create enough waste to warrant a of electronic waste was either recycle搠⠀ continued partnership with TerraCycle. or diverted from landfills. Partnership with LiquiDonat਀漀 The cornerstone of A昀昀irm’s ESG strategy is to sustainably advance our mission to improve lives. In 2023, we partnered with LiquiDonate, an organization known for keeping “gently loved” items out of landfills and moving them into the community. Together, we were able to divert 9,000 pounds of o昀昀ice items from landfills to local nonprofits, schools, and businesses in need. 2024 ESG REPORT 37

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