2024 Climate-related Risk and Opportunity Screening Introductio砀 In FY’24, A昀昀irm conducted a physical and transition risk and opportunity screening designed to identify and assess climate-related risks and opportunities that might impact its direct operations and consumers in North America. The analysis focused primarily on A昀昀irm’s five leased o昀昀ices in San Francisco, Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York City, and Toronto, as well as four states with a significant consumer presence (California, Texas, Florida, and New York). In summary, the results of this risk assessment indicate that A昀昀irm does not currently face any material physical or transition risks related to climate change. Vulnerability Assessment The first step in A昀昀irm’s climate-related risk and opportunity screening was to conduct a vulnerability assessment for both physical risk and transition risk. Physical risk refers to the potential impact of the physical consequences of climate change. The Physical Risk physical risk vulnerability screening examined the following climate hazards: increasing average temperatures, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, winter weather, heavy precipitation and inland flooding, and sea level rise. The following assets were considered: o昀昀ices, employees, data processing centers, and consumers. The screening covered these steps determining asset exposure to each of the climate hazards based on historical†⠀ and future location-specific data, as well as available climate scenarios measuring sensitivity of assets to the relevant climate hazards; and identifying A昀昀irm’s existing adaptive capacity measures, such as mitigation e昀昀orts,†⠀ to climate hazards, as applicable㠀 The initial physical screening focused on assessing which climate hazards may lead to unavoidable business disruption. It was determined that employees, either working in an A昀昀irm o昀昀ice or remotely in the area of an A昀昀irm o昀昀ice, may be a昀昀ected by the e昀昀ects of wildfires, heatwaves, and heavy precipitation and flooding. In addition, winter weather was determined relevant for assessment in the Chicago o昀昀ice. A昀昀irm was determined to be vulnerable to these four climate hazards.ꨀ Furthermore, A昀昀irm evaluated physical risks of its consumers across the four in-scope states and concluded that the occurrence of any of these four climate hazards would likely have no significant impact on A昀昀irm revenue, since A昀昀irm’s consumers are spread out across varying climates within those states, and climate-related events (such as wildfires) historically have not had a meaningful impact on A昀昀irm revenue㠀 Having concluded that A昀昀irm was vulnerable to these four climate hazards, as discussed under “Risk Assessment” below, A昀昀irm then proceeded to conduct a risk assessment in order to estimate for each o昀昀ice the potential financial impact on revenue associated with these hazards. 2024 ESG REPORT 39